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Selam, I`ve a question.


New member
24 Haz 2010
Tepkime puanı
Merhaba, ^^

Turkce koto. Az anliyorum, konusamiyorum.

My name`s Lynn. I`m from the U.S. One month ago i was in Istanbul, Sultanahmet, and I REALLY enjoyed my time there. I had the opportunity to watch the derwishes dance, and I am totally in LOVE with Turkish music and food. I bought lots of CDs. And bags of pishmaniye and Turkish Delight But now I`m back home and miss the place a lot..LOL

But what I like most is the people. ^_^ I came to Turkey before, and I never stop being amazed at how friendly you guys are to foreigners. The people are incredibly warm and kind, and literally go out of their ways to help you out even though it is real hard to communicate sometimes.

After coming back home I really feel like I`ve got some strong inner connection to Turkey. But since there are still several years before I complete of my education, it is not easy to visit it frequently.

So I did some research. I`m in love with your culture!!! I love Rumi, and I love Sufism. And I think I wanna convert to Islam. But, (I really don`t wanna offend anybody, and I`m really sorry if I do), but I have not been able to become very close to the Pakistanis and Arabs at our place who are almost hostile to me and my girlfriend because we are gay. We visited a local mosque, and I didn`t feel myself welcome there at all.

Basically, what I wanna ask is, is it possible (meaningful?) for me to become a Muslim and obey the rules of the faith while still being engaged and committed to another female. There are horror stories about people being crushed under walls for this in Afghanistan and stoned in Saudi Arabia, but I don`t think that is what this religion is all about.

Thank you very much!!! And I`m sincerely sorry if this is an embarrassing question. Comments, PMs, questions, are all very much welcome.



New member
13 Eyl 2007
Tepkime puanı
welcome lynn :)
my english not very well but i will try to answer your questions. i am so happy if you want to learn about islam. firsly if you havent read the quran, you should. because you will find out whats the islam and answers easily. i wish i could explain all things about the islam right now, but my english not enough. if you are patient, i will try to explain basics of islam warmly. but my translating will take time excuse me...

if we are muslim if we accept the islam, we should accept all the orders of Allah. we try to execute an order in every particular and we never question the orders. we just do it. because we make certain of that Allah never impose hard work and the orders make life simpler, make us fell peaceful (happy).

from quran (bakara 286)

""Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extentof its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned andupon it (the evil of) what it has wrought: Our Lord! do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake; Our Lord! do not lay onus a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us, Our Lord do notimpose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; andpardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, Thou artour Patron, so help us against the unbelieving people. ""

these are from quran, the words of Allah. if you believe, if you trust you never doubt about orders. all orders are beneficial for us.

homosexual relationship is forbidden in our religion. the quran mentions about the people (name is lut horde) which are homosexual.

lut was a prophet and he was warning the people. if you want, i can show the verses of the quran about lut horde and Allah's warning. quran mentions life of some prophets, warnings and some information about genesis. if you take a look you could realize better.

if you want i could try to answer detailed.
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